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White Rose Flower Arrangement in a Box

Nothing shows you care like a stunning, long-lasting white rose flower arrangement in a box from La Fleur De Luxe, symbolizing new beginning, innocence, youthfulness, and young love. Express your love with a unique long-lasting white rose bouquet delivery, which can add beauty and elegance to any occasion.


The roses are preserved at the peak of their natural beauty and freshness for up to a year or longer.


Customize every arrangement in your desired rose color and box style preferences.


Ship US-wide and schedule your delivery for any future date through the calendar at checkout.

A white rose bouquet or arrangement can make a beautiful statement in many ways. With flowers, though, it’s essential to consider the occasion and decide if it is appropriate. Since roses have much deeper meanings, especially regarding your chosen color, you must get it right. If you’re wondering about the meaning behind the white color rose flower and when you should give it, here’s what you need to know!

White Roses Bouquet or Arrangement FAQs

White roses represent purity, innocence, youthfulness, young love, and eternal loyalty. They’re also ideal for new beginnings, and they are often seen in romantic settings like weddings, though they can be given for other occasions.

Brides, moms, grandmas, graduates, grievers, and those recovering from illnesses can all be given white roses, too, as their meaning is one of purity.

While weddings are the most common place you’ll see white roses, other occasions are perfect for giving white roses. White roses are welcoming flowers for birthdays, graduations, hospital visits for good wishes, Mother’s Day, and even funerals.

White roses do not symbolize death; instead, they have a spiritual meaning that looks upon the change for those who must go on without a treasured loved one. These are given at funerals to bring peace.

Giving someone a single white rose signifies you’re falling in love with them. But it also conveys that you’re a bit hesitant since you’re not sure they return those feelings, a pure and innocent gesture that romantically asks a question without saying a word.

An entire bouquet of 12 white roses means the giver is wholly committed to the recipient. It means unity and eternity and stands a good chance they will ask for your hand in marriage should you receive 12 white roses.

Why Send a White Rose Flower Arrangement?

White roses have a beautiful meaning behind them. As such, there are many reasons to send a white rose bouquet. Most of the time, this will mark a special occasion when new beginnings are happening. These things, like birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and weddings, are ideal times to send a white rose bouquet.

Mother’s Day might not be a new beginning, but it is a great time to show your love to your mom or grandma. On the other hand, sending a white rose bouquet can show your sympathy on sad occasions, such as when someone passes on. However, because white roses are so versatile, you’ll likely have more happy events than sad ones to send these beautiful flowers to someone special!

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